Saturday, April 27, 2024

Facts About the U S. Black Population

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This practice of hypodescent was not put into law until the early 20th century.[155] Legally, the definition varied from state to state. Racial definition was more flexible in the 18th and 19th centuries before the American Civil War. The civil rights movement marked an enormous change in American social, political, economic and civic life. The nation’s Black population stood at 47 million in 2020, making up 14% of the U.S. population – up from 13% in 2000. While the vast majority of Black Americans say their racial background is Black alone (88% in 2020), growing numbers are also multiracial or Hispanic.

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The female slaves were often put to work in domestic service and agriculture. The men interpreted the Quran to permit sexual relations between a male master and his enslaved females outside of marriage (see Ma malakat aymanukum and sex),[13][14] leading to many mixed-race children. When an enslaved woman became pregnant with her Arab master's child, she was considered as umm walad or "mother of a child", a status that granted her privileged rights. The child was given rights of inheritance to the father's property, so mixed-race children could share in any wealth of the father.[15] Because the society was patrilineal, the children inherited their fathers' social status at birth and were born free.

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A similar share (31%) have completed some college without obtaining a bachelor’s, while 41% have, at most, graduated from high school or its equivalent. A quarter of single-race Black U.S. adults ages 25 and older have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher as of 2022. Another third (32%) have completed some college without obtaining a bachelor’s and 43% have, at most, graduated from high school or obtained an equivalent certificate. About a quarter (26%) of all Black U.S. adults ages 25 and older have a bachelor’s degree or more education. As of 2022, another third (32%) have completed some college without obtaining a bachelor’s, and roughly four-in-ten (42%) have, at most, graduated from high school (or earned an equivalent such as a GED certificate).

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Obstacles remain as women seek more leadership roles in America's Black Church - The Bakersfield Californian

Obstacles remain as women seek more leadership roles in America's Black Church.

Posted: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:41:49 GMT [source]

The multiracial, non-Hispanic Black population pyramid shows that this population is particularly young. The median age of multiracial Black people in 2022 was 19.5, making this the youngest subgroup of the Black population and significantly younger than the U.S. population overall (which had a median age of 38.0). About half (49%) of the multiracial Black population was below the age of 20 in 2022, and only 5% were age 65 or older. Additionally, 500,000 members of this population are immigrants to the U.S., meaning that almost one-in-five Black Hispanics (18%) are foreign born. The number of foreign-born members of this group has increased from 260,000 people in 2000, but their share of the Black Hispanic population has decreased from 27% in 2000.

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Congress (12%), the U.S. president (8%) or civil rights organizations (2%) bear responsibility. It is this diversity – among U.S.-born Black people and Black immigrants; between Black people who live in different regions; and across different ethnicities, party affiliations, ages and income levels – that this report explores. The survey also provides a robust opportunity to examine the importance of race to Black Americans’ sense of self and their connections to other Black people.

Black adults in the youngest age group (59%) are less likely than the oldest (87%) to have spoken to their relatives about family history or to have used a mail-in DNA service to learn about their ancestors (11% vs. 21%). They are only slightly less likely to have conducted research on their families online (26% vs. 39%). About one-third of Black Americans (34%) say they have everything or most things in common with Black people who are poor, though smaller shares say the same about Black people who are wealthy (12%).

Official identity

The Black population in the U.S. has grown by 32% since 2000, rising from 36.2 million then to 47.9 million in 2022. Notably, the number of people self-identifying as another race in addition to Black has increased nearly 254% since 2000. This reflects a broader national shift in the number of Americans identifying as multiracial, as well as changes to how the U.S. The number of Black Americans who say they are Hispanic has also risen sharply over this period, up 199% since 2000.

Household income

Most were born in the U.S. and trace their roots back several generations in the country, but a growing share are immigrants (12%) or the U.S.-born children of immigrant parents (9%). Geographically, while 56% of Black Americans live in the nation’s South, the national Black population has also dispersed widely across the country. Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to understand the rich diversity of Black people in the United States and their views of Black identity. The analysis is the latest in the Center’s series of in-depth surveys of public opinion among Black Americans (read the first, “Faith Among Black Americans”). Attempts to hold Black servants beyond the normal term of indenture culminated in the legal establishment of Black chattel slavery in Virginia in 1661 and in all the English colonies by 1750.

In this report, we use the terms “being Black” and “Blackness” interchangeably when referencing responses to this question. In 2022, the median age of Black Americans was 32.1 years, meaning half of the nation’s Black population was younger than that age and half was older. By comparison, the median age of the nation overall was 38.0 that year.

Black Democrats are also not significantly more likely than Black Republicans to say they feel very or extremely informed about U.S. Black history, Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to say they learned it from family and friends (45% vs. 38%). However, Black Republicans (24%) are more likely than Black Democrats (14%) to say that they have everything or most things in common with Black people who are LGBTQ. They are also more likely than Black Democrats to say they have everything or most things in common with Black people who are wealthy (25% vs. 11%).

At the same time, the Black population’s racial self-identification is changing. Among those who self-identify as “Black or African American,” the share who say it is their only racial or ethnic identification has declined over the past two decades. In 2019, 40.7 million, or 87%, identified their race as Black alone and their ethnicity as non-Hispanic, while around 3.7 million, or 8%, indicated their race was Black and another race (most often White) and not Hispanic. Another 2.4 million, or 5%, self-identified as both Black and Hispanic, or Black Hispanic.2But these shares have changed since 2000. In addition, some people with multiple racial identities in their family history do not describe their racial identity as two or more races.

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'Ripley' Turns Black And White To Color.

Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 15:18:00 GMT [source]

Black population are members of Generation Z – born between 1997 and 2012 and ages 7 to 22 in 2019. Another 23% are Millennials, meaning that over half (59%) of the nation’s Black population were Millennials or younger (under age 38) in 2019. The term Black Hispanic is used to refer to those who self-identify as Black and Hispanic or Latino, as well as those who self-identify as multiracial Black and Hispanic or Latino. In addition to the gray scale, various colour systems have been used to classify black.

Thanks to coal smoke, the buildings of the large cities of Europe and America gradually turned black. Just under half of multiracial Black people in the U.S. (44%) live in households that are headed by married couples as of 2022. About three-in-ten (28%) live in households whose head is female, and 5% live in male-headed households. Additionally, roughly one-in-ten multiracial Black people (11%) live in non-family households.

Among cities of 100,000 or more, South Fulton, Georgia had the highest percentage of Black residents of any large U.S. city in 2020, with 93%. Nearly six-in-ten Black adults (57%) say their ancestors were enslaved either in the U.S. or another country, with nearly all who say so (52% of the Black adults surveyed) saying it was in the U.S., either in whole or in part. Black adults who say that being Black is a very or extremely important part of how they see themselves (61%) are more likely than those for whom being Black is less important (45%) to say that their ancestors were enslaved. In fact, Black adults for whom Blackness is very or extremely important (31%) are less likely than their counterparts (42%) to say that they are not sure if their ancestors were enslaved at all. The new survey also explores Black Americans’ knowledge about their family histories and the history of Black people in the United States, with the importance of Blackness linked to greater knowledge.

But these stories can obscure how change happens and who gets left behind. For rural schools, Dr. Woodson eventually introduced special kits for Negro History Week that could include a list of suggested reading material, speeches by and photos of famous African-Americans, and a play about Black history. On Sept. 9, 1915, Dr. Woodson formed the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization to promote the scientific study of Black life and history. Suddenly, however, he became aware of a small black spot far ahead in the very middle of the unencumbered track. Even the arguably more democratic House is only at 10 percent black members.

Canton Mayor William V. Sherer II said he expressed his condolences to Frank Tyson's family in person. The Ohio Attorney General's Bureau of Criminal Investigation said in a statement Thursday that its probe will not determine if force was justified and that the prosecuting attorney or a grand jury will decide if charges related to the use of force are warranted. The Canton police report about Tyson's death that was issued Friday said that "shortly after securing him," officers "recognized that Tyson had become unresponsive" and that CPR was performed. Tyson telling officers he was unable to breathe echoes the events preceding the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in 2020. Both Canton Police Department traffic bureau officers who were placed on leave, Schoenegge and Camden Burch, are white, according to the police department. Toledo, Ohio — An Ohio man who was handcuffed and left facedown on the floor of a social club last week died in police custody, and the officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave.

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